
Water is as essential to life as is food. Every function of the body is performed in a fluid state. Our blood is about 90% water and carries nutrients to the cells and waste products from them. Water should be used abundantly, internally and externally, every day. Water helps nature free the system of impurities. It cleanses the body tissues and invigorates the vital organs. Used externally it cleanses the skin so that it may do its work of breathing and throwing of body wastes. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assist nature to resist disease.

Water is lost through our breath as we exhale, through perspiration and through urine. The water that is lost MUST be replaced if our body is to continue to function normally. Many times, common problems such as constipation, headaches and some backache problems can be relieved simply by drinking enough water. Six to eight glasses of pure water are sufficient for the average person. You are drinking enough water if your urine is colourless and odourless. However, do not drink with your meals! This dilutes juices, making them less effective, resulting in poor digestion. For best results, drink water not less than half an hour before a meal, or at least one hour after a meal.

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