Welcome to NewStart New Zealand. NewStart is a Trust dedicated to the health and welfare of people everywhere both physical, mental and spiritual. Someone once said: "Man is a spiritual being, in a chemical body, electrically stimulated, and emotionally controlled."
It is the purpose of the NewStart New Zealand Trust to address all these aspects of man's nature. Therefore, on this website, you will find a wide variety of information ranging from the Mountains of Ararat to the citadels of power around the world - from how the body is kept in good health, to how the world is kept in good health.
Many of these principles are expressed in the name NewStart, which is an acronym and stands for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in God. There are many DVDs, books etc. on these topics (plus many other topics) available on this site. All of these products are free, simply select what you would like and follow the instructions on how to order.
This site also specializes in whatever is topical. At this moment the Global Economic Crash is topical. Therefore, we have a news service with up to date information, from around the world, on this current focus of interest, plus other news as it comes to hand.
We hope you enjoy our site!